Hello, i will buy a 2 bbl jacketed fermenter soon and i am looking for a glycol chiller to control my ales and lagers fermentations and allow me to do a cold crash…
searching on internet there are a lot of pretty expensive models with 220V power (i just want a 115V model) and i think all of them exceed the needs of refrigeration
Can anybody give an advice? someone already have it? is that model the correct size for a 2 bbl jacketed fermenter? (the jacket capacity of approximately 3 gallon)
For just one 2 bbl fermenter, that would be serious overkill (and seriously over-priced, FWIW). I’ve run three 7 bbl fermenters on a 3/4 hp unit and it’s marginal but it works. I’d look into either a modified window AC unit or a much smaller “power pack” type chiller.
Since they are designed for hydroponic systems, I’d assume that the ratings are for basically uninsulated systems. A well insulated conical might perform even better.
You could also use a keg of water with a sump pump in a recirc loop.
Just stash the keg in your kegorator, run hoses, and use the temp controller to turn sump pump on/off. Limited DIY, pragmatic (all things considered), and inexpensive.