glycol chiller size

Hello, i will buy a 2 bbl jacketed fermenter soon and i am looking for a glycol chiller to control my ales and lagers fermentations and allow me to do a cold crash…

searching on internet there are a lot of pretty expensive models with 220V power (i just want a 115V model) and i think all of them exceed the needs of refrigeration

i found a nice cheap chiller on morebeer:

Can anybody give an advice? someone already have it? is that model the correct size for a 2 bbl jacketed fermenter? (the jacket capacity of approximately 3 gallon)

thanks guys!

For just one 2 bbl fermenter, that would be serious overkill (and seriously over-priced, FWIW). I’ve run three 7 bbl fermenters on a 3/4 hp unit and it’s marginal but it works. I’d look into either a modified window AC unit or a much smaller “power pack” type chiller.

Foxx has some inexpensive Chinese units, but it doesn’t look like they stock anything that small.

I’ve been looking at these, designed for hydroponic systems but chilling is chilling.

This one is <$300 and says it will chill 13 gallons up to 30 degrees below ambient. I think it would be powerful enough, at least for ales. And lagers if the conical is not in a hot area (garage). ~1000 BTU

This is a step up for just over $400. ~2300 BTU

Since they are designed for hydroponic systems, I’d assume that the ratings are for basically uninsulated systems. A well insulated conical might perform even better.

You could also use a keg of water with a sump pump in a recirc loop.

Just stash the keg in your kegorator, run hoses, and use the temp controller to turn sump pump on/off. Limited DIY, pragmatic (all things considered), and inexpensive.