we plan on going on vaca tomorrow, heading east to iowa and wisconsin and then to minnesota ,got a few breweries planned out but i just see on tv that its going to rain for the next 3-4 days. now that wouldn’t be an issue but we’re going on a motorcycle :'(. oh well we have rain suits and the breweries have roofs. we will survive.
Be careful and have a good time. One of these days we’ll hit some Midwest breweries.
A beer cow?
Whenever you head over Europe you ought to visit Austria and go to Salzburg. There you will find a pub (restaurant) that’s called “Möchsbräu” (Moenchsbraeu). This is one of the best locations to go to for having a beer or even a couple of beers. The restaurant was formerly held as a monastery’s frater, where the monks have brewed their own beer for a longer period of time. You will like it a lot!
If you are going near eau claire WI check out Thirsty Monks brewery! He’s a forum member here. Havn’t personaly had his beers but they sound tasty and others that have had them concur.
well i’m home from vacation but i plan on going back in the next year or two and hit the brweries that i missed this year.so much beer to drink and i’m not getting any younger.
All the more reason. SO much beer. So little time.