Just got a Blichmann floor-stand burner for my birthday yesterday so I can finally take my brewing out of the kitchen. Going to be my first time brewing on an outdoor burner. Anybody using Blichmann right now who may have some tips and/or advice?
I’m having to say goodbye to the good old stove too, the wife wanted a new stove with a glass top and it won’t boil my wort like the old electric coil stove did. I’m quite sad about this, and looking for a small but powerful hotplate I can use with 110V. That or I could fire up my turkey fryer.
Great choice I just got the blichmann burner with leg extensions and I have to say that it’s awesome! Good luck brewing
I do not have the Blichmann burner, but everything else that I have that has the Blichmann brand on it is a top quality, well engineered product that I am happy to use in my brewing. You will be satisfied with it, I predict.
Funny, I just moved my brewing back into the kitchen. I love it! Simple, clean, don’t have to worry about stuff and bugs from outside getting into the kettle. Of course, I downsized to 3 gallon batches from 5 gallon batches, so that helps.
Did my first brew on the Blichmann burner yesterday. It definitely seems like a well-made product. I had to do a little bit of messing around with it until I really got a handle on how to dial in the right levels. Im not very schooled on using propane tanks so it took some time for me to realize that I was running too lean of a mixture and too much air was getting in, so my flame kept going out the first few times. Read online to adjust the air flow to where just the tip of the flame starts to turn yellow, and once I dialed that in, I didnt have a single problem.
As far as the rest of the brewing process… we shall see how it turns out.