Governing Committee Elections

Is there anywhere else I can find more info on candidates? The write-ups they provide on the AHA website are great, but they all seem to run together at some point. Everyone has a killer background and seems like they’d be cool to talk beer with, but very few talk about what they actually want to do. Kind of feels like I’m reading applications for MIT, everyone is class valedictorian. Does the AHA provide any guidelines? Does the brewing network still interview people?


It would be cool if GC members were elected from designated districts and would represent constituents in the home district that elected them to the Nat’l Board.

While it may be true that various members are from various areas, that is simply by happenstance, not by any deliberate design that I can find in the By-Laws. [rant](Not that the AHA follows its By-Laws)[/rant]

As it is, every GC member is ‘at large’ and really doesn’t represent anyone’s point of view but their own despite being elected to the position.

It would be cool to actually be able to meet a GC member at a local watering hole, or set up a videoconference for those districts that are distance challenged, share ideas, and have those ideas relayed to the Nat’l Board.

I guess I am recommending more membership involvement thru representatives.


Oh yea! That system works really well in politics:) TIC

I agree with this.

… and thanks for using mark up language. That helped :wink:

“Indeed it has been said that democracy is the worst form of Government …except for all those other forms that have been tried from time to time.…” — Churchill

[Honest question]  What is the AHA doing / not doing to follow the by-laws?

To be fare, the AHA has begun to follow them.

In the past, they hadn’t been providing meeting minutes to the general membership. To correct this, they did post GC meeting minutes from the AHA Conference.  …but they haven’t posted minutes from other GC meetings which the by-laws require (below).

(The only reason I believe the AHA should provide GC meeting minutes to the general membership as required in the by-laws is to communicate decisions made, programs developed, actions planned, etc. It’s just another communication opportunity to show the good work the organization is doing for our hobby.)


Section 1: Duties of Officers of the Governing Committee

Subsection 3: Secretary of the Governing Committee

“…The Secretary is responsible for ensuring that relevant notes from Governing Committee meetings are provided to the general membership…”

I feel seen! (except I was the salut)