I’m looking to add a grain mill to my set up so that I can start buying bags of grain. I’m currently doing 3 gallon batches and will eventually start doing 5 gallon batches. Any suggestions on what grain mill to get? Thanks!
Here’s my disclaimer: Everyone who has a mill, likes their mill.
I have a Barley Crusher and have motorized it and I have been very satisfied with it. I do around 16 batches a year and not had any problems with it (that I didn’t cause). I can run 13 lbs through in less than 5 minutes. Very good mill for the cost in a low volume shop.
Monster mills get very good reviews and are beefier than the Barley Crusher if you need to do a lot of volume. They are a good option if speed is a requirement. I believe you have to build your own chute with some versions.
As I said though people generally like the mill they have.
I use one of those also…the adjustable version. I’ve been using it for maybe 12 years, and the friend who co owns it and I have run well over 700 batches of grain through it. Still works great.
Slowbrew is right. Everyone seems to like the mill they have. I have a Barley Crusher and am very satisfied with its performance. The only thing I would recommend is if you get a Barley Crusher, go for the bigger hopper.
I use a monster mill 2-roller. Every proper mill on the market is more than good enough for homebrewers.
I recommend an adjustable one. I like to run my malt through once at 1.5mm then again at 0.5mm. It’s sort of like using a 3-roller this way. The first pass breaks the husk loose. I can get a really fine crush while leaving the husks mostly intact.
If you ever plan on milling wheat, you’ll definitely need an adjustable mill.
I have an adjustable mill, but once I settled on a gap I haven’t changed it in 10 years. I just found a gap small enough to mill anything I put in the mill.
Thanks for the info everyone! I actually just did a CL search and found a person that is getting rid of his entire brew system and he only lives 5 minutes from me. With it is a mill that he’s used for 10 years and he says it still works great. Comes with a motor, belt, hopper, homemade stand, etc… and he agreed to sell it for $65. It’s adjustable and he said he hasn’t adjusted it since he first set it up. I’m heading over later today and take a look at it and he’s going to demonstrate it for me. If this doesn’t work out, then I’ll be looking into the JSP and Barley Crusher.
Also, congrats to Ron and Denny on being elected to the governing committee.
That’s a great find! The motor alone would you that if were starting from scratch. I love CraigsList. I just (and I mean just, like 3 minutes ago) sold three shop lights via it. Junk = cash on that site.
Having said that, I would spend your money on getting to full volume boils (presumably five gallons post boil is your goal). Buy a ten gallon kettle and possibly a burner if you can’t use your own range or don’t want to.
I’m enjoying doing 3 gallon batches. It allows me to still brew in the kitchen and brew more often. I do have everything I need to do 5 gallon batches minus the burner. Once I’m ready for larger batches, I’ll get the burner. Oh, and the Craigslist mill didn’t work out so I’m looking into the Barley Crusher, a JSP Mill, and a Monster Mill. Thanks everyone for the suggestions!
The Monster Mill is my preference, but with three gallon batches, I would get the cheapest mill of the three that you have listed. I had a JSP for years and the only reason that I bought the Monster Mill (three roller) is because our cat knocked down my old mill and broke it. The axle was slightly stripped from using a drill (this doesn’t seem to be a problem with the Monster), so I decided that a replacement was in order instead of fixing the old mill. They are all exceptional!
P.S. I still brew in the kitchen too. I use two burners on the gas range and boil 7.5-8 gallons routinely.
CL mill didn’t work out because the seller contacted me just before I was to meet him and said that he had someone offering $145. Considering he originally agreed to sell it to me for $65, I told him to go ahead and sell it at $145. Good for him, but more than I wanted to pay for what he had. It’s not an urgent piece of equipment, but something I’ll be adding to my set up in the near future.
The drill question is a good one. I’ve got a couple of chord less drills, my Ryobi 18V One+ being the most powerful of the bunch. I hope one of them will be able to run my mill when I get one.
I tried to run a mill with a cordless, not a super powerful one but I am pretty sure it was 18V. It worked… for about 5 minutes then the battery was dead. went out a got a 20$ corded drill and that works much better. Just have to feather the trigger to keep it from going to fast or binding up.