Greenish tint to my first batch

Sorry if this is a dumb question but I tried searching the forum and couldn’t find anything.

Does anyone know what would cause my beer to have a greenish tint to it?  When I hold it up to light (after pouring into a glass) there is a green ring around the top of the pour.  I can give more details if needed but if it’s a common issue could someone help me out.


Very curious.

Did you use hop pellets? Maybe what you’re seeing is very fine pellet hop residue?

Yes, I did use hop pellets and did have trouble straining them all out so that very well could be it.  It doesn’t really affect the flavor (at least to my relatively inexperienced palette).  I’ll be using a straining bag on my next batch so hopefully that will get rid of it.

Can you detail your process a bit?  What was the recipe?  Are you brewing extract or all grain?  What are your basic brewing and fermentation procedures?

A photo would be helpful.

That would go great for St. Patrick’s Day!!!

Are you racking from the primary to a secondary, and then to a batch priming container with an auto siphon?  If so pay close attention to avoid getting your cane into the trub at the bottom of each of your carboys.  I like to slightly tilt the carboy while it is fermenting, which allows the trub to settle at the bottom on one side.  Then when I start to rack it out of the carboy on the opposite side from where the trub is.  I make sure my cane is not in the trub.  As the last of the beer approaches the bottom of the carboy I will allow the carboy to gently straighten up and I am able to siphon a good amount of brew from the carboy without sucking up hardly any trub at all.  You can also use this same technique using CO2 and a few extra attachments to push the beer out of the carboy to another carboy and eventually into a cornie keg.  Later on you may be interested in going to kegs verses bottles.
Hope this helps. 
Good luck.