My standard for over 20 years has been to grill thighs with George’s Hot and George’s Mild mixed 50/50. I typically marinade the thighs in a little sauce and then grill turning frequently and saucing every time. They get beautifully coated in the sauce and it permeates.
Anyway, I had been wanting grilled barbecue chicken the way my mother grilled it. My dad did not cook nor grill and my mother used of of those shallow three legged charcoal grills which felt as if it was going to fall apart at any moment. The sauce was a Kraft and it was always leg quarters. So I snagged some quarters and a bottle of Kraft Original and set about making some yesterday. I made it the way I remembered. 15 min on the grill skin side up then sauce. Another 15 min then flip and sauce. Sauce again after 15 and again before flipping at the 1 hour mark. Sauce after turning back skin side up and allow to cook for another 15 or 20. Came out beautifully and reminded me of my childhood. When I told my wife I wanted to make BBQ chicken like my mom did she asked if it was Kraft sauce. I asked her how she knew and she reminded me it was all we had back then.
From the southern tier in New York (firehouse style), we would marinate the chicken parts in homemade Italian dressing or spiedie sauce for at least a couple of hours or better, overnight and then grill them. No added sauce needed and the flavor is awesome! I still do make it this way about 50% of the time. It’s my favorite way to grill chicken. Always moist, tender and delicious.
I remember reading something about how of all the senses, aroma most triggers memories. I have a friend who can remember almost every beer he drinks (especially at the judging table). In talking to him about this, aroma plays a huge part in triggering those memories.