Guinness Corned Beef

This recipe just sounds tasty!  8)

That is an excellent recipe site.

Just wondering which version of Guinness to use.  Maybe the Foreign Extra Stout?
And, do you think 12oz is really enough?  Seems like periodically basting the roast might be a good thing, if you didn’t wash off the sugar.

Looks like a stoner put that one together man. 8)

I guess by “corned” they mean the pre-corned briskets at the store? Or salted/brined beef?

And only 2.5 hours @300F with a 5 minute rest? This doesn’t sound right.

OK it’s an inspiration. Brown sugar brisket sauerbraten with Guinness instead of red wine. Super-trimmed flat to get rid of most of the fat. If I start tomorrow can do it on Wednesday. Raft of onions and carrots. Steam/roast potatoes separately. Cook time at 300 will probably be 4-5 hours and another hour rest.

I agree…2.5 hours @ 300°F isn’t nearly long enough and is going to produce a pretty tough hunk of meat.  The low temperature is right on the money though.  Just increase the roasting time and I can see this being pretty tender and tasty.  The only caveat I would add is to not use an overtrimmed brisket that’s too lean.  Use a point-cut brisket rather than flat cut.

So, is this a packaged corn beef with the spice packet, or just a regular brisket like you’d throw in the smoker.  No such thing as a point cut where I live.  It’s either a flat, or the whole brisket.  The point rules.

Heck, the more I look at that recipe, the more convinced I am that a simple chuck roast would work.  First in the smoker for a bit, then in the crock pot for a killer pulled beef.

I’ve seen point and flat cuts at my store.

I think chuck would work well. That’s my go to “roasting” cut cause it tastes so darn good. Shoulder chuck roast…