Happy 60th Birthday Denny!

I found out by poking around in another forum that Denny turned 60 on Feb. 14th (I think that’s right). Happy birthday brotha! Whatdja do for the six-oh?

Hey, Happy Birthday Denny.  What do you get the man who can brew anything???

Thanks, guys.  Yep, it was # 60 on Valentine’s Day!  I drove into town and picked up a couple Dungenness crabs (if there’s anything that could make me believe in God it would have the be Dungenness!) and spent the day going through my beer cellar and eating crab.  And my lovely wife gave me an iPad2 for my birthday!

Anything???  You wouldn’t say that if you tasted this pils I’ve got around now…

A belated Happy Birthday Denny.  From a guy who is not far behind you in age.

Happy birthday D. :slight_smile:

Happy Birthday Denny. Thanks for the Batch Sparging! ;D

Dude. Don’t shatter the image!  :stuck_out_tongue:

Awe man…that one caught me off guard.

Happy belated B-day Denny! :slight_smile:

happy birthday old man, here’s to another 60!

The Birthday Dirge

and another goodie…

Happy Birthday by Voltaire


Hau’oli la hanau bruddah!

I know what you mean about the pills.  As you get older you have to take more, and some of them don’t taste so good. :o

Happy Birthday Mr. Conn… I can say that 'cause ya got me by a few, very few but a few.  :wink: Cheers!!!

Belated birthday wishes to you Denny!  You’ve got me by about 7 years on the calendar, but decades ahead on the brewer scale - thanks for all the great advice over the last few years!  I really enjoyed the Conn/Palmer/Strong podcast a little while back!  When are you appearing next?

So life is finally beginning, eh Denny? :wink:

That’s what I’m hoping, Sean!

No further Palmer/Strong/Conn podcasts scheduled at this point, but I think Brad is planning on more.

Happy Birthday, Denny.  And watch out for those cross dressing amateurs!

happy belated Denny. must be kind of fun having valentines day as your b-day

Happy Birthday Denny.  Ya know, if I had started brewing when I was 30 instead of 53 (5.5 years ago), my life would have been completely different.

Happy Birthday Denny, used your “favorite yeast” in a braggot and loved it by the way

Crabs and beer!
Thats a very pragmatic way to spend you birthday ;D