Happy pi day every one!

or should I say every 3.14159265358979323846264338327950288…

This thread is so irrational.

I hope it doesn’t just go on and on and on and on and on and on…

Mmmmmm… pi

Turtles like pi

"To infinity and beyond…! "      :slight_smile:

EDIT  -  I’ve got kids, I know, pretty embarassing. :-[

The greatest pi day of the century will be next year!

I like turtles

Nerd alert!!!

By the way, pie are round!  Cake are squared.

Shouldn’t it be 3/14/16?

Personally, I’m on the side of Tau!


Well rounded.

I celebrated a day late by actually putting pi to use - went out tapping maple trees and had to calculate the diameter of my trees to determine how many taps to install per tree.

YAY pi!!