So much to be thankful for. Although the hand basket seems to be getting larger.
A lot to be thankful for. +1 to the handbasket as well.
Hoppy Thanksgiving to all!
Lots to be thankful for… 8)
I’m thankful for this bunch of guys and gals who provide me with daily entertainment and all the tons of help with my brewing education. I’m amazed at how much I’ve learned and improved this past year.
Yes, Happy Thanksgiving to all!
What a great group of guys and gals to share this cyber wish with!
Now go forth and cook, quaff, eat, quaff, cheer, quaff, quaff, quaff…
I already started it off bad by freaki g out at my wife for putting the fresh gulf seafood I bought yesterday in Bon Secur in the freezer. What’s the point of having fresh seafood if you freeze it? Trying to defrost shrimp and oysters the morning of kinda sucks. But aside from that I have a lot to be thankful for. Spending thanksgiving with my family on the gulf just one in a long line.
Happy Thanksgiving to everyone! So much to be thankful for, friends, family, and patriots. Cheers to all!!!
happy thanksgiving all. And remember as we dig into our thanksgiving feast…
you are what you eat (you bunch of turkeys ;D)
Today I’m thankful for beer.
I’m thankful to be retired instead of working today! Have a great day, everyone!
I’m thankful for all the things everyone has said so far……
and everyone and all the things mentioned in the “Great Beer Story” thread.