Head retention faded out in my beer soon after being on tap

I brewed and kegged a Smoked Robust Porter, which is delicious, and have noticed the head was rich and thick at first, but now it is almost non existent although there is the same amount of carbonation. This is over the last two to three weeks after kegging, it was force carbed to about 2.25 saturation.
It is in my Keezer on tap which is set at 36*f while I lager a doppelbock. It is hooked up to co2 at 8-10 psi.
If I had to guess why I have no head retention on my porter it would be because I have it so cold but my head can’t get around that because I’ve had bottle conditioned beers in the past that only had head on them when they were near freezing…help me AHA forum… you’re my only hope :-\

Being cold has nothing to do with head retention as far as I know.  It may have an effect on carbonation, but that’s different.

Nothing to add from Denny’s post. I like your handle though!

You already have a post with this same topic that I responded to in the Kegging thread. Please post in that one. No need for two threads. Thanks!

Here’s the thread. Locking this one.
