Helles Lager

First off, let me say that this will not be LODO, will utilize a single infusion mash, and they yeast will be 34/70 so we can just assume it will not be very good  :wink:

Should I use 100% pilsner malt?

The plan right now is
92.5% pilsner
5% munich 6L
2.5% carahell

FWH addition of Spalt hops for 18-19 IBUs

Any feedback regarding this fundamentally flawed beer?

The helles that I am drinking right now is 100% weyermann pilsner malt and 1oz of Ultra hops @ 40min, fermented with 2124 (which I think is similar to 34/70 but liquid).  It is a little boring.  Good, but it would be nice if it was a bit more bold/complex.

I have done them the way you describe and was happy with it in the past.

What’s flawed about it? I might even up the Munich malt.

The subject of German lagers can be a touchy topic around here…

I think I originally had the munich closer to 10%

I started at 10% but ended up dialing back to about 5% after a few batches.  Both were fine, I just wasn’t partial to that much Munich flavor.

A lot of things have gotten touchy around here these days.  Once the smoke clears we will all remember why we like this forum.

I think it will be a nice lager.

According to the German brewing bibles, only pilsner malt and carahell are called for in a helles.

But it’s your beer.  8)

Thank you for sharing that. Very helpful.

When we have to preface every post with “I am talking about LODO” or “I am not talking about LODO”, I have to wonder whether that is a good or a bad thing.  A matter of perspective I suppose.  ::slight_smile:

The Munich isn’t doing anything for you in that tiny amount.  The Carahell maybe is, or maybe you should use more of one or the other.

Just wanting to keep the thread on topic and applicable to my process. I am Switzerland.

I am liking the idea of just Pilsner and maybe 5% carahell.

Completely agree. It really sucks we have to preface a post with, “This will be LODO or non-LODO”. Just brew, I don’t give a f*ck how you brew it. Different strokes…
Goschman, your original posted recipe would be fine, it just depends what you’re after. Pils and 5% of carahell would be really nice too. I still think a little Munich malt will add a touch of complexity, but it won’t be much.

I like the 90/10 lagers I have made.  They are not anything but your own beer. Good luck

What is 90/10?

Thanks all. I think I will either go 95/5 Pils, carahell or 90/5/5 pils, carahell, munich which I think may add just a bit of complexity.

Any advice on hop additions? Just bittering?

I say keep it simple and dont mess with to many variables. i have made many a hells with just pils and maybe 10% vienna and bitter gently 20ibus maybe. mash lowya want it poundable finish below 1.11. but thats my preference.  go for it. hope my spelling and vocab is ok just had my 2nd brain surgery in 2 years and trying to interact with technology :slight_smile: Cancer sucks. good luck boss

I am channeling a well respected colleague, when I say why do you Americans always want to turn it to 11. Guilty, I saw the recipe guidelines and went right to 95/5 as well. I found though many dozen batches it will be too sweet. My best old helles was 98/2. Target 14ibus tinseth, as it’s about 3-5ibu too hot. You can single hop it, but I prefer 50/30. With ~2-3ibu coming then.  You want it to finish no higher than 1.010, so mash accordingly.

Thanks again. Not trying to complicate anything. Just trying to learn and develop a decent recipe

A 90/10 is a 90% base 10% specialty/adjunct lager.  I like the ones I have done… they are not traditional, they are different and good

If it’s light Munich, 5% or 10% makes little difference to the taste of pilsner malt. So whether you include it or drop it doesn’t matter.

Personally I would leave out the Carahell as I like my lagers to be on the dry side, but a Helles might need a touch of sweetness to be on style.

For hops, I would stick with just one bittering addition.  You do get spicy flavor from the bittering addition alone, believe it or not.