
Hi all you lovers of grain, hops and yeast.

I’m new here and am excited about growing my knowledge of brewing.

I’m a retired USAF C-130, C-141, C-5 Crew Chief and Flight Engineer, I have been brewing off and on since 1997.

My brewing career got started on a Mr. Beer kit, I was on a brewing hiatus until 2008 and got back in. I have recently made the jump/investment into AG brewing.

What can I say I love beer!


Hi Rick and welcome!

Welcome to the AHA forum! You’ll find the answers to your questions here as well as plenty of diversion…

Welcome and enjoy

About Mr. Beer, I would not be here if it wasn’t for Mr. Beer.

Bonjour, Thanks for your service!

My Uncle is retired USN and my Brother in law spent a few years as well. They were both on the Columbus in the early 70’s

These guys on here are awesome! You’ll get good (and accurate) answers within minutes sometimes :0)

I was on the other kind of boat SSBN, The Thomas Edison and the Casmir Pulaski during the cold war era.

and thank you for your kind words

Hi Rick…welcome aboard.

This is a very informed and knowledgable group, don’t hesitate to ask questions or participate. I think you’ll be glad to be apart of this great community.


+1  As well as being informative, this forum is a lot of fun. Good group of very knowledgeable people.
Welcome, and enjoy!

Aloha Rick.  Welcome to the forum and the obsession.  You’ll find this a helpful and friendly place to hang out.

Thank you for your service!

As it happens I just spent a long weekend with my parents at the Hale Koa on Waikiki.  My dad is USAF ret (Master Missleman).  That makes me an AF brat.

I really enjoyed staying at the Hale Koa (my 5th time there).  It is great being around like-minded people, both retired and active duty.  Watching the Superbowl in Derrusy Hall with about 500 others made what I had written off as a excercise in boredom a very enjoyable event.  And the good guys won!

Don’t be shy about asking questions, or chiming in on topics you like, here.  It’s all good.

Welcome Rick from another AF guy.

This site is awesome for learning all kinds of things and to ask all questions you may have. There is all kinds of info on here that you may not have known to ask about as it has helped me out greatly.


If it wasn’t for Mr. Beer, I wouldn’t be here either.

Welcome Rick.  We’re you at Ft Bragg in the early 90’s?  I may have jumped out of your C-130

Welcome. I am somewhat new here also. It is a great forum. Like some of the others, if it hadn’t been for Mr Beer I wouldn’t be here.

Denny, Euge, anti,Blues, quest, Bonjour Thanks!

Punatic…I haven’t been to Hawaii but twice and it was only for 17 hours each time…so I don’t know much about it. I would like to though.

Firedog23 aka Tim-Thanks for the heads up I’ll be a lurker for a bit then jump head first into something. :slight_smile:

Harvey and Gymrat-Nothing wrong with the Mr. Beer, until you figure out you are getting ripped off on that 2.5 gallon batch! It does build good basic skills

Micsager-I was down there a couple times for drop week while I was still crewing 141’s.

Hey Rick!

Welcome Rick.

A lot of great brewers with a lot of great knowlege on here. I hope to join them some day.

Welcome to the obsession (oops I mean hobby, yeah that’s it).

What parts do you hale from?


I’m from Moundsville, WV originally the Air Force took me all over and left me to die here in Dover, DE. (j/k)

Can’t wait to retire for good and go home and hopefully start a brewery, 15 years to learn as much as possible about brewing and get my business degree finished.