I am at a complete loss! In my last few homebrews I’ve noticed that all have the same, hard-to-describe fore/aftertaste to them, regardless of the type I’m brewing or the ingredients I use. At first I thought it was a carbonating error that was affecting flavor but even when I’ve gotten the carbonation nearly perfect with the last few brews, the taste is still there. I’ve used Brewer’s Best kits and then a la carte ingredients from my local homebrew store. I’ve used specialty grains, spices, and even fresh vegetables (for my pumpkin porter). I’ve used filtered Brita water and “bottled” purified water. Doesn’t matter, same “non-beer” taste.
I really wish I had a good description of it. It’s not quite astringent but it’s noticeable upon drinking and in the belch(es) that inevitably follow(s) in a round of good drinking. It’s like a “sterile” or “chemically bland” taste, something that greatly detracts from what the beer is supposed to taste like based on ingredients (even with “strong” ingredients). The only thing I can think of is that there’s something wrong with my equipment or my method. I thoroughly sterilize all equipment with B-Brite for all brewing, transfering, bottling, etc. (I’m bottles only at this point), though the taste is noticeable after secondary “fermentation” and before bottling. Is it possible I’m “burning” the wort by boiling at too high a temperature? My “kettle” does have a small amount of burnt malt residue on the bottom (from my first homebrew attempt) but it’s been scrubbed over and over without the burnt residue coming off and is thoroughly washed before each use (but not sterilized).
Maybe no one can tell me what’s up without tasting but I’m hoping this scenario sounds familiar to someone and there are some words of wisdom out there. I’m SO tired of having my IPAs taste like my porters and scotch ales because of this “off” taste/quality. Please help!