OK here’s the deal. I’ve been brewing for about a year now. Got a few batches under my belt. Problem is most of the time I have to scrimp and save to even get together $20-30 to buy ingredients. I don’t have a proper brew kettle, a wort chiller or even a long stem thermometer.
The quality of my brew would increase drastically if I just had better equipment. So what I’m asking is for $1 or $5 or whatever you can spare. It would help a poor home-brewer out a lot.
Here is the link to contribute.
So you need a $250 for a fermenter, chiller, and a kettle? OK the fermenter’s easy. Use a food grade bucket. You can probably get one for free at a supermarket, bakery, etc.
Chiller: if you’re even remotely handy you can wrap 25 feet of 3/8" soft copper tubing around something round and attach garden hose fitting via vinyl tubing and hose clamps for around $50.
Kettle: go with aluminum. A good 8 gallon aluminum kettle is probably around $40 new.
So there ya go. Everything you want for under $100. That’s practically a $150 donation!
Technique trumps gear. You can make fantastic beer on the cheap. Hang around this forum - pay attention and ask questions - and you will see improvements in the quality of your beer far beyond what money will get you.
I am prince ing home Couunty of Nigeeria. I wish to start shop of supp lies to sell of brew please i will send check of funds in account to deposit. When check after deposit are clearing please in to my transfer account make. In return i will make of you partener and proceeds of funds from shop sell will give in monthly dollars.
So no kickstarter campaigns? Darn it. I was just about to post one. You see, I’m in London and had my wallet and passport stolen and was going to ask for donations so I could…go to a pub and get a beer!
I’ve donated to brewery kickstarter campaigns before, but when they do more than one…that is just begging.
The best are the “experienced homebrewers” that caught the bug about a year ago and only need $10k to get their product in the hands of the masses. Contributions below.
$1 - Good karma
$5 - A double thick fiber bar mat (fancy name for coaster) - Must pick-up at brewery, these things aren’t cheap to mail
$10 - A thank you from me to you in my bathroom mirror after I count my money
$15 - Both the $5 and $10 gifts (best value!)
$25 - A hand written thank you note. We won’t mail it, but it will exist.
$50 - A t-shirt with our crappy logo on it printed on rags from China
$100 - Your name on beer bottle. We have stacks of these, so buy some for your friends
$1000 - We will name a beer after you. Not one of our beers, but a beer that we will drink on Friday night after we count our money
$10,000 - We will name a fermenter after you. We’ve got about two dozen glass carboys, we will put your name on it and it will be there until we break it.
I’m not that cynical honestly. I like the ideas of existing quality breweries using kick starter to expand or buy a bottling line. At least in those instances your money has a half decent chance being used wisely.
I had this cousin who was much older than me that was quite a character and I heard this story about ten years ago. He somehow ended up in Mexico in the early seventies with no money to get home. He called the bar at the old hotel in my home town where everyone hung out to see if they could help. They asked everyone in the bar for donations and wired him money. It turns out they should have just given him the minimum needed to get home because the person who told me the story ended up running into him in Columbia a few weeks later.