The AHA has been working on verifying data in the homebrew club directory over the last 12 months to eliminate in-inactive clubs. We’ve been able to eliminate ~250 clubs that we know are no longer in existence during this time.
We’re asking YOU - our awesome forum community - to help us identify other clubs in the AHA directory that we should mark as in-active. Please look in the clubs directory and review the clubs that are listed in your area. If you find any that you know are no longer in existence, please comment in this thread to let us know! We would really, really appreciate any help that we can get!
Oops… Listed in Two Rivers, WI, my club the Manty Malters is actually based out of Manitowoc, WI, not TR. But… only 5 miles apart. Still a VERY active club though.
Under Riverside CA you list “Fear no Beer”. The link is dead, no Facebook postings since 2016. Never heard of them and they list a South Orange County phone number. I think this is a defunct club.
Has anyone heard from either Brighton (Michigan) Brewclub or from Highland, MI’s Brewhounds of Michigan?
Neither’s public facing sites/pages seem active.
(And I’ve not exactly been foremost in trying to contact the Brighton group, but they’ve not shown to the local Big Brew public days, really, either. At least as I’ve noticed. Call me out if I’m wrong.
90% sure that the following are inactive
gravity homebrew club in Canton, MI
smegma scoopers in Livonia MI
Holy cross brewers guild in plymouth MI
Malty dogs in wixom
I emailed
SMaSH Brewery Homebrew Club awhile ago and the email address is inactive.
Zythum Veritas never responded to email
Naperbrew never responded to email
The brew shed stated via facebook messenger that they’re currently on hold
Elmhurst craft brewers never responded via email
Inebriati club responded via email that while they do still brew together sometimes, they no longer hold club meetings.
Project XXX Chicago Brew Crew never responded via email
Suburban brew club never responded via email
Sneaky fox never responded via email, their last facebook post was in 2012.
I’ve reached out to a couple members of the AHA in the past regarding this, I think wmboling may have been one, but I’d love to update the AHA club listing to have some sort of map system.
The main issue mentioned previously was that each club may or may not have a semi permenant location, which I understand, but the existing AHA club listing page always lists a city. This shouldn’t be an issue, if you go to google and ask for directions to the any given city it will give you directions to some central location for that city, and more importantly the distance from our location, or from one city to another, or from a zip code to a city (or zip code.
Being able to filter by distance would be a huge improvement for those unfamiliar with an area. Anytime I’ve moved it’s taken maybe an hour or two to make a list of the nearby clubs from the AHA page, as I’ve had to pull up the club list, then google search each city and add a flag for a club then take a quick look at their website/facebook etc. It really should only take 5 minutes at most to get a short list of clubs within a given distance.
Just a note. As a member of the Clubs Subcommittee of the AHA Governing Committee, I have just finished trying to contact 145 clubs in AL, AR, CT, DE, ID, KS, KY MO, NH, NJ, NY and OK. I e-mailed all of them I had e-mail addresses for and have also followed up with a phone call to those of which I have phone numbers. I have had approximately a 30% response and am waiting to see if I hear from more in the next few weeks. If anyone on this forum lives in those states, please PM me or send me an e-mail ( and I will see if we can work together to resolve the status of some of these clubs. I would appreciate it as will the AHA!
For club listings in the Albuquerque New Mexico area here’s what I’ve been able to determine:
FUBAR (Fun Undertaking Advanced Brewing Recipes) – I spoke with the fellow at the contact number listed and he requested the listing be deleted – not an active group.
Burque Brew Crew – no reply to multiple email attempts, phone number does not connect to a person related to this listing. Having been active in an Albuquerque beer club for 4 years I’ve never run across any reference to this group. I’d say it’s a defunct listing.
Tapheads Homebrew and Tasting Club - phone number is not in service, no reply to email attempts. Also never have encountered mention of them locally. I’d say defunct as well.
Aegir Brew Club – I did get email response, this is not actually an organized club so not a valid listing for people attempting to participate in local brewing activities.
The other two listings are definitely very active clubs, the Dukes of Ale and my own club the Worthogs of New Mexico
- Shawn Crawford, president Worthogs Homebrew Club of New Mexico