Hey guys,
I’m fairly new at homebrewing, but I think I’ve found my new hobby…
I’ve already brewed a batch of blonde ale and hard cider, but I want to try my hand at making mead next as I’m a fan of drinking it and I was able to get some nice local organic honey recently for a great price.
I had a couple of questions…I’ve been doing a lot of research and from what I’ve read so far, it seems meads typically take a long time to age vs beers. I was wondering what I can do or any recipes that take less time?
Not impatient or anything, just some of the stuff I’ve read say as long as 6 months to be ready to drink, I’d rather expedite things if I can.
I’m also confused about what yeasts to use. The guy at the homebrew shop told me to just use Champagne Yeast, which I bought a few packets since it was really cheap.
I already have the yeast nutrients.
I also think I would like a touch of sweetness, and rather not backsweeten if I dont have to. Ive read that champagne yeast will ferment completely dry.
If I’m brewing a 1 gallon batch, how much honey should I use and what type of yeast (and how much) should I use? He told me to put the whole packet in, even though it says 1 packet is per 5 gal. I want something not completely dry, I’m not so much concerned about ABV, as I want something more accessible in terms of drinkabilty.
My local brew shop has a really nice selection of yeast. Is the champagne good, or should I use something else?
Thanks in advance gentlemen!