I thought of a great name for a beer for you - “The Wrath of Conn”
If you weren’t a moderator and could unlock the thread, I’d lock this thread for being in violation of our awful humor rules.
CONN!!! … conn!!! … conn!!! … conn! …
Conn Air
Aren’t Friday’s fun?
This thread has reached DEFCONN 1.
Damn it…I was just searching for the picture when you posted this…well played, sir…well played.
I managed to get a Tebow in before posting too!
Another delicious “CONNcoction”
you guys are unConntrollable
Have y’all no connscience?
Have you no personal connection to this connvivial ale conner’s conndition?
Why must you connceal by conncatenation an extra ‘n’ in every conntext connceivable?
This connceit connfuses me and no doubt causes conncerns about the connsequence it will have on his future conncerts featuring connchs and conncertinas. What will the connductors think?
I therefore connclude that we should be connciliatory. We must connfabuilate and extend our connclave’s conncise conncord of conncrete connfession before this and other insults connflate into a true connflict and connfrontation of conngealed egos.
Do you conncur or must we all be conndemned to be a connfederacy of conneys connfined to our cells? I must have a conncussion. to conndone a thread of this connsiderable awful connsistency. Don’t make me connfine you all!
Conngrats! I now hate this whole conngregation even more than Conngress. I must refrain now as a connscientious objector.
Denny’s going to be inConnsolable over this.
I LOVE Wallace Shawn!
Ever since I started school I’ve had to put up with the DConn (like the rodent killer) “joke”…

Have y’all no connscience?
Have you no personal connection to this connvivial ale conner’s conndition?
Why must you connceal by conncatenation an extra ‘n’ in every conntext connceivable?
This connceit connfuses me and no doubt causes conncerns about the connsequence it will have on his future conncerts featuring connchs and conncertinas. What will the connductors think?
I therefore connclude that we should be connciliatory. We must connfabuilate and extend our connclave’s conncise conncord of conncrete connfession before this and other insults connflate into a true connflict and connfrontation of conngealed egos.
Do you conncur or must we all be conndemned to be a connfederacy of conneys connfined to our cells? I must have a conncussion. to conndone a thread of this connsiderable awful connsistency. Don’t make me connfine you all!
Conngrats! I now hate this whole conngregation even more than Conngress. I must refrain now as a connscientious objector.
Wow, that’s REALLY bad!

Wow, that’s REALLY bad!
And here I take my bow.
Also, it’s a shame that most people only know Wallace Shawn as Vizzini and not for his biting plays.

Have y’all no connscience?
Have you no personal connection to this connvivial ale conner’s conndition?
Why must you connceal by conncatenation an extra ‘n’ in every conntext connceivable?
This connceit connfuses me and no doubt causes conncerns about the connsequence it will have on his future conncerts featuring connchs and conncertinas. What will the connductors think?
I therefore connclude that we should be connciliatory. We must connfabuilate and extend our connclave’s conncise conncord of conncrete connfession before this and other insults connflate into a true connflict and connfrontation of conngealed egos.
Do you conncur or must we all be conndemned to be a connfederacy of conneys connfined to our cells? I must have a conncussion. to conndone a thread of this connsiderable awful connsistency. Don’t make me connfine you all!
Conngrats! I now hate this whole conngregation even more than Conngress. I must refrain now as a connscientious objector.
This connflagration hs left me unconnsolable.

Wow, that’s REALLY bad!
And here I take my bow.
Also, it’s a shame that most people only know Wallace Shawn as Vizzini and not for his biting plays.
I first became aware of him in “My Dinner with Andre”. Did you know he also had a minor part in “The Cosby Show”?
Also the voice of the dinosaur in the “Toy Story” movies.