Anyone know how much a starting inventory for a supply shop may run? Does a shop that just sells supplies needs a liquor license of some sort?
Interested in this as well
Beer ingredients are food, so you shouldn’t need anything too special.
Call BSG to see what they offer as a turn key setup.
Do a search on this site, it has come up before.
I think the AHA has some stock guidance on this, concerning the population you need in the area and the start up costs.
Found these
This one has some information in post #8. Contact the AHA, as they keep an eye on the the retail side of the hobby, and things have changed in the last year or so.
If you plan to serve samples you will likely need a liquor license of some type. Here is Iowa, at least, the license you need to serve alcohol is pretty inexpensive. I was involved with getting one for our church to use during social events and fund raisers. Every state is different so do not take anything we say as gospel. Always check with the authority in charge of monitoring and enforcement in your locale.