I have this chest freezer as my kegerator with a wood collar and it works great. For $168 and free shipping, it’s a pretty good deal for a brand new CF.
I know you can get cheaper on Craiglist and such, but I’m always afraid of inheriting someone else’s problems.
I have a similar sized one from Frigidaire and can fit 5 in it, including the hump. I built a big collar around it, and then put in a shelf so they all sit at the same height.
I have the 7cf Holiday model and can also only fit 3 cornies on the bottom and one on the condenser shelf. The shelf on mine goes completely across the bottom and if i put a support block next to the shelf I can get another corny in the “on deck” so its ready to roll when a keg kicks.
Some models have the condenser shelf tucked into a 1/4 cylinder shaped shelf that maximized even floor area. Not sure if this is the case with the GE model.
How many carboys/BB do you think, 2? I’m looking for a lager fermenting fridge as I can only brew one at a time in my “converted” wine fridge. My wife fully approves the purchase!
I got the 7cf Holiday from Lowes last May-June. Claimed the price was lower on the web and the associate gave me 10% off. 8) Think it was $180 after that. By far one of the best upgrades to my brewery.
What you can do is cut out some disks of cardboard that match the footprint of a keg. Then just try the freezers on for size.
Are you sure you have real ball lock kegs? I’ve seen a lot of ‘reconditioned’ kegs that are actually pin lock kegs with the fittings replaced with ball lock fittings. Your keg diameter should be 8". Pin lock kegs are 9".
Yep… I have one ball lock that is in a pin lock shape and it’s shorter and fatter. The ones I’m trying to fit in the fridge are all Cornelius Super Champions. Maybe I just need to jam them in :)
Denny, I think you’d have a tough time fitting 2 buckets in a 7cf. I don’t think it’d fit 2 - 6.5 gallon carboys; not sure if those are bigger than buckets or not. I have a 9 cf from Lowe’s and it fits 2 - 6.5 gallon carboys comfortably. Since I brew 3.5 gallon batches, I only ferment in 5 gallon carboys. I don’t think it fits 3 of those either.
I own the same freezer as the one in the original post.
Only, I use it for food (gasp).
It’s large enough for 2 carboys, but I would not recommend it for anyone wanting more.
I have an old 9+ cubic foot freezer that I use for beer.
I can fit 8 ball locks in it, comfortably.
Or, 6 kegs & a fermenter.
I have a 7cf and it holds two 8 gallon buckets. I use a platform (8" board) to raise the buckets to the level of the hump. Two buckets fit perfectly with plenty of room for air to circulate.