Home Depot Chest Freezer Deal

I have this chest freezer as my kegerator with a wood collar and it works great.  For $168 and free shipping, it’s a pretty good deal for a brand new CF.

I know you can get cheaper on Craiglist and such, but I’m always afraid of inheriting someone else’s problems.

I’ve been looking at getting a freezer for fermenting.  Any idea what the interior dimensions are?

Sorry I don’t right now.  I can fit 4 cornies on the floor and 2 more on the hump ( when I build a taller collar ) if that helps.

It’s a start!  Thanks!

Odd.  I bought the same freezer about a year ago and can only fit 3 cornies (ball lock) on the floor.

Or, at least the HD item number listed (100598963) is the same as the one in the receipt email.  Are you sure this is the freezer you have?

Edit: When I say the floor, this doesn’t include the hump.

I have a similar sized one from Frigidaire and can fit 5 in it, including the hump.  I built a big collar around it, and then put in a shelf so they all sit at the same height.

I have the 7cf Holiday model and can also only fit 3 cornies on the bottom and one on the condenser shelf. The shelf on mine goes completely across the bottom and if i put a support block next to the shelf I can get another corny in the “on deck” so its ready to roll when a keg kicks.
Some models have the condenser shelf tucked into a 1/4 cylinder shaped shelf that maximized even floor area. Not sure if this is the case with the GE model.

This post shows someone with 4 cornies squeezed in:

It does look pretty tight… maybe my kegs are old and warped.

How many carboys/BB do you think, 2?  I’m looking for a lager fermenting fridge as I can only brew one at a time in my “converted” wine fridge.  My wife fully approves the purchase!  :smiley:

I’ve got this Frigidaire (7.2cf)…


…(got mine for a better price :slight_smile: ).  I can measure inside tonight if anyone’d like.

I’ve got one of these that I use as my fermentation freezer.  Two 6 gallon better bottles fit fine.

I got the 7cf Holiday from Lowes last May-June. Claimed the price was lower on the web and the associate gave me 10% off. 8) Think it was $180 after that. By far one of the best upgrades to my brewery.

What you can do is cut out some disks of cardboard that match the footprint of a keg. Then just try the freezers on for size.

Are you sure you have real ball lock kegs? I’ve seen a lot of ‘reconditioned’ kegs that are actually pin lock kegs with the fittings replaced with ball lock fittings.  Your keg diameter should be 8". Pin lock kegs are 9".

I bought a 7 ct (can’t remember the brand) from Costco. I can just barely squeeze 4 on the floor and one on the hump.

My 7" collar is almost done. Iput a “bib” on the front of my collar so I didn’t have to mount the drip tray to the freezer.

Yep… I have one ball lock that is in a pin lock shape and it’s shorter and fatter.  The ones I’m trying to fit in the fridge are all Cornelius Super Champions.  Maybe I just need to jam them in  :)

Denny, I think you’d have a tough time fitting 2 buckets in a 7cf.  I don’t think it’d fit 2 - 6.5 gallon carboys; not sure if those are bigger than buckets or not.  I have a 9 cf from Lowe’s and it fits 2 - 6.5 gallon carboys comfortably.  Since I brew 3.5 gallon batches, I only ferment in 5 gallon carboys.  I don’t think it fits 3 of those either.

I own the same freezer as the one in the original post.
Only, I use it for food (gasp).
It’s large enough for 2 carboys, but I would not recommend it for anyone wanting more.
I have an old 9+ cubic foot freezer that I use for beer.
I can fit 8 ball locks in it, comfortably.
Or, 6 kegs & a fermenter.

Thanks, man.  2 buckets is the direction I was going.

I have a 7cf and it holds two 8 gallon buckets. I use a platform (8" board) to raise the buckets to the level of the hump. Two buckets fit perfectly with plenty of room for air to circulate.

If you’re only using it for fermenting, I’d go with a fridge.