home-made off-flavor kit

Hi folks,

I want to compile my own home-made off-flavor kit using commonly available ingredients and methods.

Is this the best instruction set? http://www.franklinbrew.org/wp/?page_id=159

Any other recommendations?

Quite a few of these off flavors can be acquired by abusing your beer.
F.e. take two bottles of fresh beer. Store one as you would your most prized homebrews. Lug tyhe other along with you wherever you go for the next couple of weeks. Car rides, bike trips, take it on a jogging runs, juggle it, place it behind a window in the full summer glare,…

Dr.Beer used to be up and have plenty of such beery excercises, but with a bit of inventiveness, they’re easy to figure out by yourself.

Page 34 of the BJCP Study Guide

OK, thanks. And how do I find a “clean lager” that does not have any of those off-flavors?  :stuck_out_tongue:

They don’t sell Bud Light in Belgium?  :wink:

For an exam I gave recently, I took a 6 pack of Corona and put the bottles about 3" from a flourescent light for 4 days.  Worst case of skunking I’ve ever encountered!

That’s interesting. I thought that they used tetra-isoAA extract so they could use clear bottles without skunking. Maybe I’m getting Corona confused with someone else.


That was my belief as well.

Corona def skunks.  I’ve actually never had one that wasn’t lightstruck…

It may be MGD you’re thinking of that uses the extract and is in clear bottles…

Yeah, I think that’s the confusion.  I can assure everyone you can skunk the crap outta Corona!

Yep, Miller uses it.  Don’t forget the High Life, too.

Maybe I should use Asahi. I drank a bottle yesterday. Tasted like nothing.

That would work.  It’s in that same global wheelhouse.  It’s basically a Japanese German beer (much like many of the Mexican lagers are Mexican German beer and the US macros are US German beers).

That was meant to be a joke :frowning: In Belgium you can only find Asahi in Japanese restaurants, where they are prohibitively expensive.

I always use Amstel Light when giving the off flavors class.  It’s clean, it’s consistent, it’s cheap, it’s everywhere, and you can recap the BROWN bottles, unlike most Cat 1A beers.  It’s one of the best examples of that style that I’ve found.  Even the leftovers are pretty good on a hot summer day.


Moi, je ne connais pas.  ABInbev beers would be ‘clean lagers’, but I can’t speak to their availability and cost in Belgium.  I would probably use Busch Light in a class here in the states.

I may be mistaken but I think you can find Asahi in Carrefour markets where they have a Sushi Daily stall.
If it’s not actually Asahi, it will be some other substitutable Japano-German clean lager.