The recent enrollment/re-enrollment period for the Homebrew Club Insurance program has come and gone. However, West Insurance Agency recently sent the following update:
Due to the tremendous club participation and interest in the Homebrew Club Insurance Program, the insurance carrier has agreed to extend the open enrollment period until 12/1/15.
Any club that may have missed the initial enrollment date can still enroll in this exclusive insurance program.
Please note:
*The policy term for any club that enrolls after the initial enrollment date of 9/1/15 will be required to pay the full $3.50 per club member (the premium will not be prorated by the carrier).
*Coverage for all clubs that enroll (from 9/1/15 – 12/1/15) will be effective on 12/1/15 once the premium payment has been accepted and all required documentation is received by the carrier.
*In order to keep the program uniform, as this is a master policy for all enrolled clubs, the expiration date of the coverage for all clubs will remain 9/1/16.
You can begin the enrollment process for your club at Homebrew Club Insurance Program
If you have any questions you can contact Jenny Caldwell at or (847) 623-0456.
This is a solid benefit that homebrew clubs should consider. I think the pricing is solid and the peace of mind that it provides is well worth it - Crispy