Hello AHA Forum-ers,
I want to put a bug in your ear about some amazing beer / homebrewing related podcasts and shows as the result of AHA leadership (including from AHA Governing Committee members https://www.homebrewersassociation.org/membership/aha-governing-committee/).
For your listening and learning pleasure check out:
- Exclusive to AHA members only, and brought to you by the American Homebrewers Association, tune into the new Zymurgy Live webinar series https://www.homebrewersassociation.org/presentations/zymurgy-live/ with seriously top of class guests and moderated by AHA Govering Committee members.
- Good Beer Matters - EP-357 Julia Herz of American Homebrewers Association https://www.goodbeerhunting.com/gbh-podcast/2023/2/17/ep-357-julia-herz-of-american-homebrewers-association. Bryan Roth of Good Beer Hunting interviewed me related to being named one of their 2022 Signifiers. Worth the listen to get to know more of my history and background in homebrewing and big picture on the AHA.
- Seattle Beer School https://www.seattlebeerschool.com/podcast co-produced and hosted by AHA Governing Committee Chair Shawna Cormier.
- False Bottom Girls https://www.falsebottomedgirls.com/ co-produced and hosted by AHA Governing Committee member Jen Blair.
- Sense of Beer Style https://senseofbeerstyle.com/ co-produced and hosted by myself and Jeremy Storton.
- Gourmet Brewing https://www.crowdcast.io/@gourmetbrewing by AHA Govering Committee Member Doug Piper.
Cheers, good beers to all, and feel free to add what else we should all be listening to or watching.