homemade shrimp alfredo

this was a first.  it turned out far better than i expected…

pasta is 50/50 wheat/white flour

alfredo sauce ingredients…

4 chopped shallots
1/2 cup fresh chopped parsley
1 clove minced garlic
1 1/2 cup parmigiano reggiano
1/2 cup guyere
1 1/4 cup heavy cream
1/4 lb butter

seasoned the shrimp with olive oil, salt and pepper, dizzy pig shakin the tree and dizzy pig tsunami spin

also fried some soft shell crabs…

I’d leave you my portion of crab for seconds of the shrimp alfredo - looks great!
(Just never got into the softshell crab, regular crab all night long!!! )

I’m from Mobile but have lived in New Mexico since 1975.  I don’t miss the humidity but I do miss floundering and soft shelling all night long with a case of PBR cans,  a washtub with a rope tied to the handle and a coleman flounder light.  We got about 250 softshells one night so we cleaned and breaded them. and froze them.  I’d come home on my lunch hour, heat up the deep-fryer and have about 5 softshells.
I wonder if those days are over forever(at least our lifetimes).

ya know, i’m not sure…  my friend, an environmental scientest down here works for the bureau of marine resources and he tells me everything we are hearing on the news is a lie.  he won’t expound, so i’m not sure if it’s way worse than they are stating or what.

we can still get seafood, but i’m sure it’s not gulf seafood at this time.  at least not most of it.

Love the fried softshell crabs.  I assume that was the appetizer.

thanks!  i was actually a bad boy and ate the alfredo and the crab as the meal with no veggies or anything.