Hop Flavor and CO2 Question

I have an American Pale Ale Kegged right now.  Brewed it Feb 6th kegged it Feb 20th.  Its been conditioning for now for 13 days at 44 degrees and I have 14 psi to get 2.5 vols.

I had a sample on March 1st and was extremely pleased with what I had extreme hop aroma and flavor with a subtle malt profile.  I tried it again last night this time it was a bit more carbonated with good aroma but the hop flavor went from extreme to hardly there.  Needless to say I was really pouting last night the malt flavor was more dominate in last night sample.

Could having too much co2 be the reason for the disappearance of hop flavor?

If I reduce the co2 pressure down to about 2.0 vols would this help or am I screwed and need to dry hop it to get the flavor back?

I do understand how beers will go up and down as they condition but 3 days and I lost soo much hop flavor?

it could well be the higher carb level. if it’s that then you can safely dump pressure from the keg, shake it vigorously to degas the beer, dump the resulting pressure, and repeat until it’s where you want it.