I know this is a topic that’s been discussed before, but I am wondering if anyone has any actual results of testing that show the effect of a hop spider on hop utilization. I have always used a large hop bags in my brews but generally brew low to moderately hopping beers.
I am currently designing a NE IPA recipe that has a total of 7 oz of hops in the kettle. 1 for 60, 3oz at flame out and an additional 3oz as the temp of the wort drops to 160.
I would like to use a bag or spider as I usually do, because it keep my kettle and pump clean but I don’t want to lose any hoppy goodness.
The ROT for bags is that they reduce utilization by about 10%. When I use them I increase all hops before 20 min. by 10% to compensate. Testing has found that to be pretty accurate.
I don’t have any hard data, but I use a 10" SS spider. I think the size of the spider together with frequent, gentle stirring inside the spider brings my utilization loss down to very little. I make hoppy beers frequently and get great results.
I will say, if I had to do it over, mine would be the ID of my BK. Thanks guys, I didn’t know the figure. Mine is 10", but could tell utilization was a little less. Man it makes cleanup on hoppy days so much easier.
I use pellet hops in cheesecloth. I have not noticed any effect on my beer’s bitterness or balance since switching from just tossing in . No hard data just my experience. I also do this when dry hopping.