How long for a pH reading?

How long do you keep the probe in solution to get a reading?  Seems that it always moves even after being in solution for a LONG time.

I used to let it sit for about a minute and then call it good.

What do you guys do?

Mine seems to take quite a while to stabilize. You also get a notification when it’s done I believe.

Mine has no notification that I am aware of

That’s what I do. It usually only moves by 0.1, if at all, for me.

yep solid minute here. too much longer to get stable reading tells me i need to clean that probe with cleaning solution soak.

Gotcha.  Storage solution or is that different?

cleaning is more acidic than storage.

I swirl mine around in my wort sample and it can take up to a minute or so to stop moving.  Once it stops, it pretty much stays at that reading for me.  YMMV.

I give mine a good 4-5 minutes. I cool it quickly and have been assuming the delay in stabilization is the result of the actual pH change that occurs with the temperature change from ~150F to 68F.

I let mine sit in the fluid until the numbers resolve around a number.  The accuracy is +/- 0.2, so as-long as its not changing beyond this, I assume the reading is good.  It has a resolution of 0.01, for that last digit may never settle.  During measuring, I will always have a glass of RO water to sit it in between measurements.  Once done, then I use cleaning solution and store it in the buffer-storage solution.