Last month I entered a competition in Missouri. It was the first competition I have entered in a couple years. I had two of 3 beers actually place, both 2nd in their category. Now, it has been over a month and I have not received my mailed scoresheets or my 2nd place awards. I don’t mind and I am patient and understanding but usually it’s not a process that has taken this long in the past. The thing that bothers me is after reaching out to the competition coordinator multiple times on the comp website just to make sure there aren’t any issues, I haven’t received any response. I found the clubs website who hosted the comp and the contact email is the same from the comp website. I have also looked them up on Facebook but since ai am not a member of the closed group I can not message them or post to the page.
Anyone have any other ideas where to go with this? I am mostly just concerned of a mailing mixup or something similar. How long have these things taken forward some of you?
This kind of thing happens all too frequently, and it sucks and it’s not fair. It’s happened to me several times. All I can say is, maybe you don’t want to enter that competition again next year. There’s plenty of others to choose from. We pay good money to enter competitions. The least they can do is give you your feedback/scoresheets, even if they don’t bother to send the medals or ribbons. Otherwise it’s a waste of money. You can also try contacting the BJCP to see if they’ll take any action, not sure (assuming it was sanctioned).
If they used reggie (the software program) to run the competition, then your score sheets may have been scanned and are available to see on the program website. When you registered, did you use reggie?
What was the name of the competition?
Also, sometimes if you say you’re a member of a homebrew club, they give the medals and score sheets to a member of that club to take back to the next meeting.
Other than that, I am not sure what you should do.
I was thinking the same thing. Perhaps contacting the BJCP for help in contacting someone from the event, that is what I am looking to do most, as to see what gives. It was a sanctioned event.
Not sure if it was Reggie, I don’t believe so. I may have to look back, all that I seen posted where the results. I did not list a Club, as I am not part of one besides the AHA. The completion was the 2nd annual MASH IN. Sponsored by MASH, Missouri Association of Serious Homebrewers.
Thanks for suggesting to check the website for downloadable scoresheets. They were in fact uploaded to the site. With that I was able to contact one of the BJCP judges that judged my beer and turns out he also had winning entries and has not received his awards either. He said he also has put in an email the other day with no response. At least I don’t feel like it’s only me or something happened to them say through the process or mail. So we are going to wait I out in hopes they are just taking a lot of time with it. And that’s ok.