how much munich in a porter?

Hi! i been brewing my porter for several batches but i feel it needs more maltyness…and i want to boost up the munich malt, here is my malt bill:

55% 2 row briess malt
25% munich 10L briess malt
5% c-40 malt
3% c-120 malt
8% chocolate malt
4% black patent malt

In past batches i used to mash up to 69% of 2 row and 11% of munich, what do you think?.. my OG is 1052 and im trying to give a good body mashing at 160F and a good maltyness with that 25% of munich…i ferment at 65 with US05 for a clean flavor. For hops i use magnum at FWH and 60 minutes to achieve 35 IBUS

Any comments, tips, changes you would do? thanks!

Munich is a great secret weapon in porter and stout (and most beers).  That is by no means too much.  Personally I like to mash a porter ~ 154 and like IBUs ~ 40-45, but it bears a strong resemblance to what I do. You’ll like it !

I love 25-30% munich in my porter. I do think you could drop either one of the crystal malts, which might make it a bit cleaner in profile. I also think using a different yeast will help accent the malty flavors. I would recommend a British style. S-04 if you want to use dry, or WY1028/WLP007, If you really want an american yeast, I think WY1272 is more malt-forward.

Looks a lot like my Porter. I use 20% Munich, 7% C60, 5% each of carapils, chocolate malt and roasted barley, and the rest is MO. I shoot for about 1.047/4% ABV, so I mash at 160 to leave a lot of body.

I think 25% Munich will be fine. You could also consider using a different base malt like MO to get some more malt flavor in there as well.

Forgot to bring up yeast. My favorite strain for porter is WY1028.  Any of the mentioned strains are good though, as is WY1450 for a nice malty porter (just ask Denny).

I routinely make porters using 50% or more dark Munich.

As far as I’m concerned, you can’t use too much Munich.  Technically, you can use 100% Munich as your base malt, though I likr to include a quantity of something with more enzyme potential to help things along in the mash.


2 row 83%
chocolate malt 9%
c 40 4%
blk pat. 2%
wheat 2%

mash @ 156 dF thick, use SO-4.  I find SO-5 dries it out too much

Personally I would have ditched 40 and kept 60 but that is just me.

Yep, 1450 is great for that kind of beer.