How Often to Replace Plastic Tubing?

How frequently do you all replace your plastic racking tubing?

I clean and sanitize it after each use and my tubing always gets cloudy after even one use (must be the very hard Houston water).    I can smell the faint aroma of beer on the cleaned tubing.

Thank you.

Are you using Star San? It builds up a film on vinyl really quickly.

At any rate, I don’t think there’s any need to replace tubing unless you have a contamination problem. Just keep it clean and dry, and sanitize before each use.

I’m using One Step and yeah, it makes sense that is causing the cloudiness.  I know it’s sanitary as I’m pretty much compulsive on cleaning and sanitizing.


Whew, one less worry.

I’m planning on replacing some next year that’s been in service for 3 years. I’m only doing that because I’m making some dispensing changes, so why not.

I rinse mine immediately after use and then whip the tubing on a circle to fling the moisture out of it. I’ve had to throw away tubing that showed some mildew after either not rinsing well or drying it properly.

In other words if you trust it keep it. When in doubt throw it out. :wink:

I just replaced mine, but I brew a lot.  I usually replace hose about every 6 months.

I’ve had mine long enough that I can’t recall when I last replaced it.

Long-term, I’d move to something more robust than One Step for sanitizing. One Step/PBW/CMC/OxiClean/etc. are great cleaners, but not necessarily great sanitizers. I’ve had a Lacto contamination that was almost totally resistant to CMC, for example.

Pretty much everyone in brewing uses either an iodophor or an acid blend (like Star San) for sanitizing. Ideally, I’d get both and alternate.