I figure many of us are BJCP beer judges, but if you’ve been thinking about becoming one, your first step is passing the online Entrance Exam (https://secure.coursewebs.com/bjcp/Default.aspx), so here are a few helpful resources to make that happen.
1. How to Pass the Online Entrance Exam (https://www.beersyndicate.com/app/Tutorial/Details/52): This is a straight-forward simple guide that covers what the online exam is like and the tools needed to pass it.
2. BJCP Online Entrance Exam Mock Practice Test (http://www.beersyndicate.com/blog/2015-bjcp-entrance-exam-mock-practice-test/2/): This practice test is very similar to the kinds of questions on the actual Entrance Exam and consists of 30 questions to answer in 10 minutes.
3. Beer Style Compare-O-Matic (https://www.beersyndicate.com/app/Account/Login?ReturnUrl=%2Fapp%2FTool%2FCompareBeerStyles): This is simply the most effective free online tool to help you quickly compare specific details about different beer styles. And since the bulk of the actual exam is about the 2015 BJCP Beer Style Guidelines, this tool is super useful.