How to Pronounce a few Non-English language Beer Styles

This is a short piece about how native speakers pronounce beer styles from their own countries.

By the way, has anyone here ever tried a Piwo Grodziskie?

The local brewery had one on last night. I made one several years back. Mine was smokier. Never been to Poland.

[quote]The local brewery had one on last night. I made one several years back. Mine was smokier. Never been to Poland.

Woah, much respect for first knowing what that style of beer was and then actually brewing it!

I was listening to a BeerSmith podcast (see below) featuring Stan Hieronymus who talked about the history of the style.  It was fascinating how Piwo Grodziskie was at one time super popular and then went totally extinct for 15 years or so.  It was revived by (guess who) Polish homebrewers who took pride in the style and went to one of the last production breweries of Piwo Grodziskie to get help brewing it, and now the former employees of that brewery judge Piwo Grodziskie homebrews (who else better?).  Awesome comeback story- reminded me about the Gose resurrection story a bit.

Anyways, cheers to homebrewers around the world!

Mine was brewed with Wheat malt I smoked over oak. That was a fun project. The Weyermann’s oak smoked Wheat was not yet available, so a little dyi and you have it.