How to stop leak at base of poppet valve?

Picked up a couple used corny kegs about a month ago along with an oring kit. After replacing the orings, I fillled them with about 20psi of compressed air and drizzled some soapy water around the mating surfaces on the lid, poppet valves and posts. Looks like one of the kegs has a slight leak at the base of the poppet valve housing. Any way to seal these up better? Teflon tape? Oring?

If any of the O-rings look nicked or worn, replace those. Otherwise, if the leak is small enough some Keg lube generally does the trick

sounds like you need new gaskets on your diptube or like erock mentioned keg lube

The oring kit came with lid, dip tube and beer/gas post replacements so already changed those out. Looks like a little dab of keg lube on the threads did the trick. Thanks for the tip!

One thing that just came to mind regarding your leak.

Make sure your dip tubes are fully seated on the gaskets on top of the keg.  If one of them doesn’t seat all the way down (especially the one on the beer out side) you can have a leak.  I have had this problem seating them in the past.

Glad the keg lube solved the problem for now.  But I would double check them either before filling or when you clean them again .

Thanks. Good thought. I checked both the keg side and dip tube side of the o-ring faces. The dip tube had a bit of a burr on the underside edge so filed that down a bit. Probably not big enough to be an issue for sealing but o-rings and sharp edges don’t mix well :wink:

I’ve had 20 pounds of pressure on the kegs for a week or so an all looks good now.