I calibrated my new fermentation bucket ....

… Do you notice anything?

My markings are liters in case you wonder.


Yeah . . your liters and the bucket’s liters are just slightly askew!

Off by half a gallon! I was very surprised to see that.

If I would have calculated efficiency based on the markings that came with the bucket It would have been surprisingly high. In addition to that I would have ended up with less beer than expected.

I guess all this goes back to knowing your equipment.


Mine also reads high, but only by about 0.8 L. I guess they just don’t bother to calibrate the printing equipment before they do a run of buckets. :frowning:

If I wouldn’t be so interested in marking my equipment with metric units I would not even have bothered. But I guess I would have noticed it based on the calibration of my boil kettle.


May be I should calibrate my fermenter.