I finally did it: facebook

After swearing for years that I’d never do Facebook I done did it.
After all the termoil that started last year ending up with us being forced out of our home it was time to reevaluate a lot of things.
My wife got on it last year which ended up getting us reconnected with our son.
So far, I have three friends.

I killed my account a few months back. Tired of seeing peoples idiotic political opinions and I lost 1 true friend because of a FB disagreement.

I am on Facebook because our club has a group page which I maintain. I also like to follow what the other clubs and home brewers in our area are doing. I also like to post what and when I am brewing. I don’t get emotionally invested in things out of my control (i.e. politics). It’s a good way to be frustrated and disappointed.

sent ya a friend request, Steve.

FB is good for a few things, but mostly is a time-waster.  It is also another way for Big Brother to keep tabs on us – don’t overlook that fact.  More don’ts: Don’t over-use it, don’t over-friend, don’t hit “Like” to too many things, don’t overreact to any political or religious themes, and don’t get addicted, and you’ll be alright.

After about 9 years, I’m growing more and more tired of it and try to limit use somewhat.  I’m not an addict, but it is an extremely wasteful way to waste time, for times when you have time to waste.  But I really don’t use it now as much as I did before, and thank heavens.  It can make you laugh and make you sick all at the same time.  The least amount of time you can spend on FB, the better IMO.

I resisted for a while and finally joined in 2007 for a lot of reasons similar to Steve.  To connect with family across the country, see pictures of kids, graduations etc etc etc…

Like you, I am sick and tired of the sponsored content, the ads that look like articles and the pictures with a caption that get shared out of context.  Facebook has it’s uses, but more and more I try to stay off it.  I connect with my family/friends and homebrew club and that’s about it.  I don’t have any time for sharing some off base opinion or a picture taken out of context.

I found it and responded positively.
Great minds think alike, I found it when I got on f b to send you a friend request.

I’m happy you were reconnected with your son.  I hope the positive trend continues for you.

I could see Facebook being pretty nice if you had a tiny, interconnected network of friends.

I’m also not too un-hipster to look it up and see that I quit Facebook almost exactly three years ago.  ;D

I have about 100 FB friends, most of them beer people and a few family members.
It is indeed a major waste of time, but I kind of like it.

It is so calm and peaceful here things have to keep being good.

My suggestion is to stick to non-political discussions and never use any FB app. There is a neat feature where if someone shares something you don’t want to see you can hide everything from that source. I try to refrain from it, but occasionally I have to point out when someone points out something not based in fact. I wish more people would Snopes or Google search before posting. :wink:

I thought there was a rule against the P word… talking about FB is dangerously close to that line, isn’t it?

BTW I am 18 months no news, and about 12 months no FB. The world is exponentially better