I just stated my first brew!

I’m not really all that knowledgeable yet but really would appreciate some tips for me as a beginner. I’m using cranberry and pineapple juice as a base for the wine I’m brewing currently and after some research decided to use Lalvin EC-1118 as my yeast. Is their anything I should know?

This is a beer brewing forum you’d probably have better luck looking for a wine making forum. Good luck!

Theirs a guy that posted and asked for life advice idk if the guidelines are that strict

This is fine to post about but this would be a better fit for the “other fermentables” section .
Majorvices isn’t saying this is a guidelines issue its just that while quite a few of us make mead and some have occasionally made wine I think he is right that the advice you get about wine will be pretty sparse here compared to a wine making forum.

+1. As long as there is no religion or politics you can post just about anything you want here, but I don’t think you will get the answers you are looking for. If it were a couple cans of John Bull Malt Extract and a couple ounces of hops you’d be up to your eyeballs in suggestions. :wink:

Generic brewing advice: try it and get back to us.

Edit: generic fermenting advice

Hey - I’m a professional wine maker specializing in mead.  The ingredients you are starting out with is pretty challenging as a new wine maker. Highly acidic and will take some care to ferment if just those 2.  Suggest starting with a basic wine making kit if you have not made a wine before - available at local wine or beer making store. What equipment do you have?  What is your wine or beer making background so can tailor responses.  I do recommend seeking out wine forums also.