Shuh… Dude!
I like turtles!
No really…
I’ve seen a lot more turtles this year than the last several years. Always enjoy encountering them on my hikes. I like seeing snakes, too. Almost stepped on a huge rattler last year. Like seeing them, don’t want to step on one. Truth.
Edit: As if on cue just got back from walking the dogs and saw another turtle this morning. Box turtle crossing the road.
I don’t mind snakes either long as I see them first. I would love to have a canebrake rattler hide.
Lots of honu (sea turtles) here. No land turtles and no snakes.
Back in my younger days in Central Florida I used to catch snakes and sell them to Reptile World serpentarium for beer money. I carried a pillowcase and a snake stick (a hoe with the blade removed but the hook left on) in the toolbox on my pickup. When I saw a rattler crossing the road I didn’t see a rattler crossing the road, I saw a case of beer crossing the road.
Didn’t like messin’ with moccasins much though. They’re meaner than tiger spit and got a real nasty bite to em too.
It’s weird living someplace with no snakes. Been here going on ten years now and still haven’t quite got used to it yet.
I just came back from a week on the Big Island, and we definitely saw some turtles.
It never gets old seeing turtles in Hawaii! Here’s a link to a video from our Maui trip this past January. We have dozens of turtle encounters on video so I wasn’t going to video this turtle encounter while snorkeling off Black Rock, Ka’anapali Beach. Yet the Humpbacks songs were very loud that morning, so I took this video just to see if it would capture the Humpback songs. Like turtles, Humpback sightings never get old!
Cool video TBB!
The honu was thinking, ‘How’s a guy supposed to get an afternoon nap in with them damn humpbacks wailing away all the time?!’ 8)
You just may be right! It may just be me, but when it’s peak humpback season, there seems to be less dolphins in the area. They probably took off for waters that are quieter and less crowded!