I may be prejudiced, But

I like my homebrew    8)

I like your homebrew too. I like my homebrew. Heck, I like most any ones. BTW, been meaning to tell you, I found a homebrew shop in Idaho Falls that sells two row for. 70 a pound.

Hooray for Homebrew!

I like my white dog.

I do too carl and I have never tried it!

I had a black lab when I was growing up.

There was this guy I used to work with that would always say at quitting time:

“Time to go home to kiss the dog and kick the wife.”

He got fired for not showing up one day…one of many.

When we go that direction, I will be certain to leave enough room for a couple bags of malt!
Thanks Barry  ::slight_smile:

That picture where the guy in the car mowed down the cyclists TERRIFIES me.  The fact that someone would want to kill people simply for riding a bike.  The lack of humanity in people like that is unbelievable.

seriously, that one I think crosses the line into not funny.

The picture itself was from a bike race in Mexico. 28 year old Texan was passed out drunk while driving and killed 1 cyclist. 1 Dead as Car Plows into Mexican Bike Race

I looked it up after I posted and found that.  Pretty scary.  Only 1 person died though, I thought more would have.  Agree, Morticai…

Wow, I assumed it was photoshopped :frowning: