I need help in Minneapolis/St. Paul

To the home brewers, in the twin cities area. I need help in the form of a CO2 system.
Specifically a small 5# tank and regulator to borrow for a “Welcome Home” Party for
one of our troops. A man, Kyle, just arrived home from deployment in the middle east
and his uncle Carlos told him before he left that he would brew some beer for his return.

Well he is back but Carlos is in Colorado, with access to the twin cities for his party but
would like to borrow a CO2 system to push the beer for the party. He has asked me to post
for him and he will chime in.

If anyone has access to a system we could borrow that would be super cool. He’d rather not
buy one in MSP due to the shipping and regulations with airlines and getting it back to Colorado.

It is a pin lock system, but he has extra gas-in pieces if it is a ball-lock system with threaded

Thanks Ruben!! This is my original post.

I really need some help from my fellow brewing brethren in Minnesota, specifically the Twin Cities area.

My nephew lives in Apple Valley. He was recently deployed to Afghanistan with the US Air Force. I promised to brew the beer for his welcome-home party. I’ve done that, and just yesterday delivered two corny kegs to my brother-in-law’s house in Richfield. I made a Summer Ale with spices, and an Amber Ale with an all-Cascade hop line up.

The party is Saturday the 17th of September.

What I need help with is the CO2. I had initially planned on driving the kegs and gas tank from my home in Colorado. When I discovered that I could check the kegs as luggage onboard an airplane, I immediately took them out that way. There was no way that a CO2 tank could be checked. I’m hoping to be able to borrow a CO2 tank and regulator from someone for the party. I have the gear to split the gas line to the kegs, and I have the liquid out lines and cobra taps. I’ll be bringing all that gear out from Denver right before the party. I may even go buy some new gear at Norther Brewer in Richfield. If someone is able to loan out more equipment, I’d be grateful. I do have pin-lock kegs, by the way.

I’d like to thank you all in advance for your consideration. You’d be making an Airman’s return from a war zone extra-special. You’d also be making his homebrewing uncle look extremely cool!

Carlos Ojeda
Mile High Monks Homebrew Club
Brighton, Colorado

I probably should include a way to contact me. I guess either directly on the forum, or by email at ccomilehi@aol.com.


You have already taken the kegs there as checked baggage on a plane?  What airline let you do that, and who did you have to talk to to get it worked out?  I didn’t realize they would let you do that.

Sorry I can’t help, I’m further from MN than you are.

If no homebrewers can help, try contacting one of the shops in the area.  See what they can do for a serviceman’s party.  If nothing else you could buy one of those little thingys that use the small CO2 cartriges.

Thank Kyle for his service for us.

I would definitely try contacting Northern Brewer.  For something like this they ought to be able to accommodate you.

Contact Midwest Supplies in Minnesota, great place should be able to help out!

Carlos- I’ll message you personally. I’m in Northfield- 20 minutes from Apple Valley. My kegs are currently dry. I have a 5# CO2 tank set up. It’s yours for the event.

It was United Airlines. Carlos was diligent in contacting their dangerous goods desk and making sure that anything
checked met the guidelines. Specifically low psi, low alcohol(<6%abv), and most importantly DECLARED.
I have to admit that I helped with minor assistance with the construction of the encasing of the kegs. But they
were clearly marked with directional UP arrows, Fragile stickers. Individually bagged, and wrapped in bubble wrap,
placed in a wooden frame crate wrapped in corrugated cardboard, and most importantly weighed to ensure they
came under the maximum checked baggage weight of 70# (61 and 58# respectively.)

I would love to say that I had a say in it but really I only made sure some screws were ground down from even
coming close to the kegs. Carlos did ALL the work.

If you come through for Carlos, you da man!!! Thank you!