I think it looks suspiciously like an example of the “being lazy is a good thing” mentality that seems to permeate our society. How many times have I heard someone say “I would do that thing, but it requires effort.”
I understand that this hobby (along with most) aren’t for everyone, but how many people just do nothing (sitting on the couch playing candy crush or killing brain cells with TV don’t count as something)?
Yesterday I made baguettes with water, salt, yeast, and flour only to slice one and top it with pizza sauce, Pepperoni, and cheese served along side another baguette I made that I stuffed with salami ham and cheese. Later I made home brew Chocolate Milk Stout-Candied Bacon. I could have easily called Dominos or jumped in the car and handed the grocery store my credit card. …but I like making stuff myself. Guys like this don’t. That’s cool. I got a laugh out of his post which is what he was going for I guess.
Heh, of course I play devils advocate.
If I lived in say Germany, or had access to really fresh examples consistently I would not brew. It’s all I brew for myself, and strive to have the same taste/quality of it. It would be wicked easy(and if anyone has ever seen beer prices in Germany wicked cheap), to go literally anywhere and get awesome beer. It would be a no brainer for me. Hell I could probably survive here off my occasional fresh examples, and Coors banquet, (love that stuff) if I tried hard enough. I tell people this all the time, I only brew to vill a void… When/if that void is filled, see ya bye!
While I still maintain the author of the article is a moron, I have to agree with Bryan here.
The number one reason I brew is that I am trying to brew beers that have the monastic flavor profile I prefer. Not exact copies, but same profile and spirit.
If I had my way I’d drink nothing but all four of the Chimay beers exclusively and not brew. That could get very costly of course, so I brew in an attempt to satisfy the taste I desire without the burden of $6 bottles.
Though I do enjoy the process, I suspect that if I could get 3.5-4% malt forward to balanced styles for a reasonable price, my motivation would be much lower. But…that isn’t going to happen, at least not in this market.
I brew because I need a hobby, I’m good at it, and i don’t spend money on sixpacks.
One thing he got right is the Pico is stupid expensive Without the ability to add your own ingredients ( without ordering from them ) I would never consider one.
I generally don’t take any advice from a guy who drinks Vanilla Cream Ale or Cookie Dough Ale. However, I do agree with his disgust for the Leinenkugel’s Bavarian Dunkel. Not great.
I do not know this person. I am certain I do not want to. People pursue many things I have no desire to try.
I admire their passion however. Wonder if his challenged intellect has ever allowed him to ponder the reason he now has so many decidedly delicious choices in the beer aisle. Carry on homebrewers.