Hey everyone,
New member here with a somewhat odd question. I have a friends wedding coming up and he and his fiancee have asked that I brew beer for their wedding. I have a beer that I have made regularly that is essentially a variation on the Monkey on the Mainline kit recipe. Its got a bit more Molasses in it and uses a Hefeweizen yeast instead of an ale yeast. Its always been a big hit and so they have asked that it be one of the beers I make.
The idea they have is to have a beer that would be a his beer, and one that would be a hers beer. the concept being that you can basically make a layered beer kind of like a snakebite or black and tan to signify their union. I am making the Monkey variant as “his” beer but I am racking my brain to think of a recipe that would compliment it well for “hers”
Just wondering if anyone has done something similar or would have any suggestions for a type or recipe that would work well for this application.
Thanks in advance!