I'm buying a refractometer!!!

I’ve had enough.  I tried to make an English IPA today and had everything right but I didn’t boil long enough and ended up with an 1.048 IPA.  Not sure what I actually made but I ended up with a lot of starter.
Yes, you can do it with a hydrometer.  I don’t care, I don’t have time to fart around cooling stuff down.
So what do I need to be sure I get when I buy one?  Does it matter if it is in brix?  I assume that there is a conversion so it probably doesn’t matter. 
What do I need to get?

Hop on eBay and plunk down your twenty-something bucks for a “0-32 Brix Refractometer”. It will show up on your doorstep a few days later, direct from Hong Kong.

Or you can pay about double that for one with a specific gravity scale: BrewHardware.com - High end, practical homebrewing hardware, accessories and ingredients for making beer, wine, mead, and cider.

Done.  Thanks.  Is it still roughly X4 like it is for Plato?
I asked for one for Christmas and Mrs. gmac saw one that was close to $200.  I got socks instead.

One of the most valuable tools in a homebrewers arsenal IMO.

You won’t ever regret this purchase.  :slight_smile:

I won’t brew without one.

Yeah, Brix and Plato are the same out to about the third decimal place. “Multiply by 4” will get you in trouble over about 1.052, but for average-gravity beers it works out.

Use this for final gravity, assuming you want to: Refractometer FG Results « SeanTerrill.com

Wow.  I think I’ll use my hydrometer for FG since I have no idea what any of that means.  I’m completely mathphobic (AKA a friggin moron when it comes to math).  I did drink at all the run on sentences though and now I’m shotally titfaced :slight_smile:

My LHBS has them for about 70 bucks, make sure you get the ATC refrac (automatic temperature correction)

That’s the explanation page :)  Sean’s added an online calculator that’s much easier to understand and use.  Try…


I got one of the $30 ATC “for brewing and winemaking” jobbies off ebay This one rates up there with the thermapen for speed and ease of use.

I just keep it in a cooler area than the brewery, and a drop right on the lens will let me know pretty much instantly what the gravity is. Thanks to Sean’s calculator we can use them for gravity reads post-ferment! Yay! :slight_smile:

For use I take a spoon and dip in the wort and at once touch to lens and flip the cover closed to prevent any evaporation. The refractometer is cool enough to chill the sample immediately and give an accurate and reliable read.

Thanks for the ebay link.

This one? http://www.ebay.com/itm/NEW-0-32-ATC-Brix-Refractometer-Wine-Beer-CNC-Fruit-RHB-32ATC-AdeAdvancedOptics-/320802687736?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item4ab1548af8#ht_4141wt_1065

or this one? http://www.ebay.com/itm/NEW-0-32-ATC-Brix-Refractometer-Wine-Beer-CNC-Sugar-/390202796300?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item5ad9e6290c

It came today.  Yay! 
I was surprised when I looked at it, it has Brix on one side, SG Wort on the other.  I was just expecting Brix.  $30 on eBay from Grandindex.  Now I will have no more excuses for making 1.042 IPAs.

I would recommend using the Brix scale, since the SG scale is probably inaccurate. The reading will have to be corrected in either case.

You will come to love your refractometer.  Mine is spot on with my hydrometer.

I also want to get a Refract.  Question is should I get the Brix only one or the Dual Brix and S.G. one?
Someone mentioned that the S.G. would not be accurate?  Why is that?  What is your experiences with the dual Refract?

I have a brix only refractometer and find that for just quick measurements, I simply multiply by 4 and I have my gravity. No, this is not a linear figure, but it’s close. When I do my final check, I simply enter the brix value in Promash and it converts it for me.