I'm looking for used/old/antique draft beer faucets

If you have some old draft beer faucets of any kind that don’t work so well or your not using anymore I’d like to buy them.
Anything is okay as long as liquid will pass through them. Even if the shank is frozen on, that’s cool. 
Just about anything’s okay except for cobra head/plastic picnic faucets, tap handles (unless they’re stuck on), Sankey or keg connectors.
These faucets will never touch beer again!  Let me know what you have. Attach a photo to your reply and make me an offer for your old faucet.

Are you making beer art, or just collecting? I have this crazy desire to make a recirculating beer tap fountain on a barrel head.  :-[

Beer Art – an exterior summer and winter brewhouse interior fountain is the thing.  I’ve had a good sized pump and some pond liner for a while, which was just waiting for a design. 
My design so far consists of a medium stained oak frame with a vinyl board covered with copper flashing running across the top with several faucets in a row like a tower. Then have the water run down from the taps into items like a drip tray, a stein, a pint glass, maybe an old carboy supported by a fake bar top and front.  From there the water will flow out of those items and into the trough to be pumped up again. If I find some old taps, or age some new unwanted taps, it’ll gussy it up. Working taps will make it interactive.  I’ll also make a couple of tap handles that go with the theme.