For the folks here using immersion chillers, I have a quick question. I see some of them marketed with vinyl hoses and one brass adapter like these…Northern Brewer Home Brew Supplies
Are these only for use in a kitchen sink type faucet?
An easy fix here is to add brass quick connects to the hose fittings. Cost about $2.50 per side at Lowes/Home Depot. I used thread tape when adding the fittings and double check them as I start the boil. I have been extremely happy with them. Tightening down fittings on a 200+ degree wort chiller sucks.
I haven’t had my first brew day but working on it, just making sure that I have all the necessities.
I have a 3/8" copper immersion chiller with 3/8"x1/2" tubing.
Is there any way that I can convert this into quick disconnects, so that I can attach the hoses after I move the hot wort toward the utility sink? Pictures?