Looking for some suggestions for a hot stick to aid my propane burner. Would like to speed up the lead time on my boils and strike water. Anyone have any experience with doing this or suggestions?
Very cool, yea I was just reading you don’t wanna use one during the boil, Also would help to be able to have warm-hot water out on the patio cause right now I’m hauling my equipment upstairs to the kitchen for washing
That’s what I’m looking for, after switching to the no-chill method, that cut some serious time off my brew day with no noticeable ill effects, hopefully this bucket heater will round out the whole session
I use two 120v heatsticks to heat water and boil the wort in the basement.
I found that one is not enough and two gives a too vigorous boil. And so, I devised a regulator that controls one of them.
Every few years, I have had to replace one of them but they are easy to construct.
Also after brewing, as I am cooling the wort, I clean the stick to avoid any wort buildup on the elements.
Another advantage I found is that I can start heating the wort as I continue to sparge.
The only disadvantage I found was when I went from using a 5 gallon pot to a 10 gallon.
I have an Instagram Pot Immersion Cooker that I got for Christmas. My previous practice was to heat the Sparge water while the Mash was in progress. 1 day, it occurred to me that I could use it to heat the Sparge water with out using the Propane. You just set temp to 170 & get along with business until Mash Out & Sparge. Beats trying to coordinating Mash timing with reaching Sparge temperature. Also means I don’t have to lift Sparge tank @ 170 degrees to shoulder high.