imperial pastry/dessert seltzer

boom, new style. it IS possible. maybe realistically flavoured like an intense fruit candy kinda thing

I’m seeing a Jurassic-Park-scientists could vs. should thing here.  :o

If a brewer in Udine can dry hop a Pils and poof new style; anybody can.

Hmm… seltzer “shots” could certainly be a thing. Vodka diluted to 20ish% ABV with water and a touch of sugar syrup, then artificial flavor (and even bright colors), and carb it up. Make up some urban myth about the carbonation speeding up alcohol absorption and the frat boys will go nuts for it. You could even package it in enema bags…

thats the theorizing im talking about - seltzer didnt “NEED” to exist, but it fills style, demand (people who dont like beer), and legal category in many jurisdictions (was listening to a craft brewer from georgia say they need a separate license just to sell spirits at a craft beer bar for one example).

im thinking more like shots called “hard candy” “hard liquid candy” “that are syrupy sweet, 15-20% range” like eating a jellybelly jelly bean or something. an entire range of pseudo-candies ie. sour, lactose infused “creamy” ones. insane quantities of lactose and residual sugar.

Throw some edible glitter in there while you’re at it.

Hard Kandeez™ Glitter Bombs™

Those have been a thing in many areas for a while.

I’m not gonna lie, if I’m going to a party where shots are likely to be going around, I’ll show up with a 10-pack of Dr McGillicuddy nips in a candy type flavor like root beer or grape. Everyone gets a kick out of it as kind of a retro throwback.

These imperial pastry seltzers have been around for a few years but I thought they had come and gone. Guess I was wrong.

There’s a lot of those mid-teen abv shots on the market already. I’m not sure how many craft breweries want to get in to that market and for the ones who might, I’m not sure they can afford a packaging line for plastic packaging. Regulators kinda shrugged over all the sketchy stuff put in craft beer and the entire seltzer market, but that’s a good way to change their minds.

i had and still have a strong interest in american super trashy breweries tbh. the canadian legend of this was steelback brewery (RIP). i enjoyed a bunch of ahem products from this “city brewery” as well.