Saw this in the Feinkost (fancy food) section of a local supermarket. A single can will set you back about $2.20, plus $0.35 for the deposit. Below are cans of Busch, also the same price.
For reference, a .5l bottle of something you’d actually want to drink runs about 0,65-0,95 euro here, with an 0,08 Pfand.
They do have a few good American beers here, but I haven’t bought any. You can buy 750ml bottles of Brooklyn’s Local 1 for around 20 euros ($27-ish). They also have 330ml bottles of Firestone Walker for 3 euros.
I’ve been in Germany since February. I have no idea how the fishing is here but I’m having a great time regardless. I’ve heard the fly fishing licenses cost a few grand here but I haven’t looked into it personally.
I’m finishing my master’s in finance, should be done in August. I’m looking for work in investment banking or corporate finance now. Maybe if I get an awesome job and get crazy rich I’ll open a brewery someday, but I’m putting it on the far back-burner right now.
after my previous adventure in being self employed, I think it’ll be a while before I want that much responsibility again. I figured this was probably the only time in my life to move abroad easily, before we buy a house and have kids.