Ok I lied. In a previous post I said I was going to all grain from the get go. I did brew a batch with a Mr. Beer kit I picked up at Goodwill for $15. Beer willl be done in a week. It’s in the bottles now. But extract brewing has never even slightly interested me.
We had a little beer leftover from the fermenter (we filled the 8 bottles the Mr. Beer comes with) so I put it in a Budweiser twistoff bottle and put the twistoff cap back on. It seemed to seal up pretty good. I guess I’ll know in a week when I try the beer. So here’s my question: why not use twistoffs? They seem to work. Like I said, I’ll know for sure when I drink it in a week.
Feel free to pile on. I’m new to this and this could have been a really dumb question.
Weaker/thinner glass, not intended for reuse (though what is these days). They won’t hold up to the same pressure that pry-off bottles will/should. But I’ve also had some pretty thin pry-off bottles.
I’ve got a couple twist offs in amongst all my bottles that have been reused many times over the years. I crimp new caps on them and they work just fine. I think if you have problems it will be from reusing the old cap.
Twist offs do not seal as well as a standard pry off bottle. Some older craft breweries (Sierra and Full Sail are two) used the twist offs for ages but switched to pry offs. Sierra switched in 2008 (?) and Full Sail in the last year or two.
Pretty sure that wont work. Lots of opportunity for leaking co2 out / oxygen in. twist off and replace the cap on a bud and see if its carbonated after a day.
If you have a hand-capper be careful. I’ve had a couple of twisties get into my bottle collection every now & then. I’ve crushed the threads during capping on more than one occasion.
Sierra Nevada changed to pry off when they got a new crown seal material that required a high clamp load, but resulted in much less O2 ingress.
In the US bottles are just about all one way items. The glass can be recycled, but they are so thin they are not reusable. Most are very thin, weigh a US bottle and compare it to a similar size Euro bottle and you can see a difference. That said I use a lot of US thin bottles at home. For competitions I buy heavier new bottles from the LHBS.
My experience with twist offs was it was hit or miss if they sealed well even with a bench capper and new caps so I scrapped them all a long time ago. As for US bottles, I have around 15 cases that have been reused many time over 4-5 years and maybe a few have cracked but over 95% of them are still in use today, although since I’ve had my keg set up imp actually getting set to hand off a bunch of cases to a friend that’s in need:)
I do use the PET brown pints with the twist off caps…I can rest assured that they won’t break in transit and they seal well! I wish the competitions would start to allow for entries in these, as it would make for a lot less packing issues.
I had scoresheets come back from a competition once that admonished me to not use twist off bottles because of carbonation and oxidation issues, which were not evident in the sample they judged. It made me wonder two things: 1) why they were so concerned about it and 2) what happened to the beer I entered (since I never use twist-offs).