So many new homebrewing products have come onto the market in the past few years, doesn’t it seem strange that no one is selling an insulated stainless mash tun?
I see homebrewers in Europe using them, but I don’t think they are readily available in the States.
Am I the only person who would be interested in something like this?
I know quite a few guys that built their own. Best was a jacketed keg with some sort of high temp glass fiber insulation and a sheet of stainless. To finish it off he spent hours adding the scallop pattern that pro level stainless gear has.
Yes, I find it odd. I just have one brew on my new Blichmann MT, but I was surprised how quickly it lost heat as opposed to my old keggles. I ended up having to infuse some of the sparge water to keep it in the target range. I now have made a insulating wrap for it. We’ll see how that does tomorrow.
Before using a heating pad, which could alter a portion of the mash temperature, but not likely maintain the whole, I would try the foil bobble wrap and a sleeping bag or a thick wool blanket. I use both in the middle of winter with much success in my garage (to keep the wind off it). A 90 minute mash will see measurable loss, but typically a 60 minute mash will reflect almost no loss. I well insulate the top and then a little less insulation on the sides.
Yeah, I was concerned about that. What I think I’ll do is put the heating pad on top of the lid with a blanket over it. I did use the foil bubble wrap - one layer anyway. More can only help.
I agree that its odd. I can easily see myself buying what would amount to be a stainless rectangular cooler- call it Shiny Cheap-and-Easy= to batch sparge in, especially if it held temps like my plastic one does. Every once in a while I wonder if the plastic cooler is leaching stuff. Then I have a beer and stop worrying…
You can also use a pump and a Blichmann auto sparge w a t connection. You can get one w a thermometer at Williams Brewing. I use the thermometer to monitor temps and light the burner on low to bump the temp. Since the wort recircs the whole time I just mash out and start the sparge using the Auto Sparge. Works awesome other than having to watch the temp.
I’m a UK home brewer. First post on here so Hi everyone. I use a stainless mash tun from this supplier
My version has been plumbed with drain from the bottom of the tun and a 3 piece ball valve.
It’s a cracking piece of kit, with perforated stainless false bottom. The only time I ever had a stuck mash was when a slug crawled up the tap(!). Really easy to clean and holds temp within 1 degree C over an hour.
I think the manufacturers of the pots are french or german.
I guess I don’t find it that odd, there’s so many good options for mashing that it doesn’t really seem necessary. I’m surprised there aren’t more stainless fermenters… seems most homebrewers are happy enough with buckets and carboys.